5 places to visit in La Mesa de los Santos


14 December 2022

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5 places to visit in La Mesa de los Santos

Taken from: https://www.turismocity.com.co/promociones_aereas/p-5_lugares_para_visitar_en_La_Mesa_de_los_Santos-4570.html

La Mesa de los Santos is a plateau located in Santander, its location allows you to observe green and rocky landscapes characteristic of the region, and which you will be able to enjoy on your visit to this part of our country that is waiting to be explored.

This is an ideal plan for a weekend, either because you live in Bucaramanga or because you are visiting these lands.

We invite you to stay to learn more about the 5 places to visit in La Mesa de los Santos.

What to see at the Table of the Saints?


1. Farmer's Market

We want to start by telling you that unfortunately a few weeks ago the Mercado Campesino de Mesa de los Santos suffered a collapse at its main entrance, which was being renovated. However, we want to invite you to visit this place because the entrepreneurs who worked there continue to sell their products just 200 meters from the site.

We assure you that it is worth going, because in this Mercado Campesino you will find the ingenuity of the peasants and their roots in the customs of the region.

This place is a mandatory stop that has attracted tourists in recent times, as coming here is a delight for the palate and a great contribution to the people who work here.

Some delicacies that you will discover are the typical Santanderean foods such as mute soup, carne oreada, Santanderean tamale, corn arepas with curd and roast kid.

For those who enjoy a sweet treat after lunch, in the farmer's market there are ice cream parlors that offer gelatos of different flavors.

There are also bars where they sell German and all kinds of beers, and of course! Micheladas and cocktails that you will surely not resist trying.

The Mercado Campesino de Mesa de los Santos is a place rich in gastronomy, but handicrafts are not far behind; Here you will find shops selling handmade decorative objects, ideal to give a gift to someone special or to take home a reminder of your time in Santander.

If you go with children you will also find a space with recreational games for the little ones to have a good time.

2. My Dear Colombia Cultural Center

At Mesa de los Santos you will see a small town built to honor the architecture of the Santander countryside, which is also a space for culture. It has its own event hall, a museum, restaurants and craft shops.

In its surroundings, the Colombia Querida Cultural Center has extreme attractions such as ATVs, bumper ball, paintball or target shooting, among others.

3. Outdoor butterfly garden

Surely you have visited a butterfly farm, but not one as special as the one at Mesa de los Santos.

The unique thing about this place is that it was set as an open space where the butterflies have everything they need to want to stay, allowing visitors to observe their beautiful wings in their natural habitat.

For about $10,000 you will be able to enter the Mauricio Babilonia Butterfly Garden, which is located inside the My Dear Colombia Cultural Center and enjoy this experience.

4. Leap of the Goblin

About 15 minutes from the municipality of Los Santos, you will find the road that leads to Salto del Mico, where you will have the opportunity to see a wonder of nature.

We anticipate you a little here:

In winter season, the jet that falls from the great rocky mountain is much more pronounced, clearly if you travel in summer you will be able to see the water in low quantities.

5. Coffee farms

As in many corners of our country, coffee is also grown in the Santander region, and it is even said that the Mesa de los Santos farms are where you can taste the best organic coffee in Colombia.

The Hacienda el Roble, for example, is famous in the region for the quality of its coffee. That is why this farm offers tours where specialized people explain the process that coffee takes to make it.

What do you say, are you ready to travel and delight your palate?

How to get to the Table of the Saints? 

La Mesa de los Santos is located about 40 minutes from Bucaramanga, to get there you must buy your tickets to Bucaramanga, if you live in another city and once there:

  • You go to the bus terminal and take the fleet to Cáchira, which has the municipality of Los Santos as destinations, but before arriving it will leave you at Mesa de los Santos.
  • You can also arrive by cable car, from the Chicamocha National Park, crossing the entire Chicamocha canyon and finally arriving at Mesa de los Santos.

It's important to us remind you of the importance of being travelers committed to the conservation of the places we visit, do not leave garbage or damage anything in your path, damage to nature can mean a lot to an ecosystem.

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